Review Journey Statistics


For users who have configured Journeys with multiple paths, it can be crucial to know how Prospects interacted with each step. Knowing when and where Prospects end their Journey and which path had the most Prospects can help identify potential weaknesses.

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Review Journey Statistics

Review Journey Email Statistics

Review Journey Statistics

Journey statistics can be reviewed for Journeys with a status of either Running or Completed.  

  1. To review the statistics of a Journey, navigate to Journeys via the objects on the left side of Insightly Marketing.
    1. From the Journeys screen, locate and open the record for a Journey with a status of either Running or Completed.
    2. From within the Journey’s record, click the Report tab.
      1. Above each step in the Journey, two different statistics will be displayed. The first statistic represents a numerical value of Prospects in the Journey’s recipient list that made it to the step. The second statistic represents a percentage value of Prospects in the Journey’s recipient list that made it to the step.
      2. In the above image, for both steps in the Journey the first statistic displays that 1,393 Prospects started the Journey and 1,393 Prospect made it to the step of checking if they viewed a specified webpage. The second statistic displays that 100% of Prospects on the Journey’s recipient list started the Journey and made it to the step of checking if they viewed a specified webpage.
        • As an additional example, if a Journey started with 100 Prospects and each Prospect was sent an email with a link as a step in the Journey. If 50 of those Prospects clicked the link, the percentage of Prospects that completed the step would display as 50%. The percentage can increase or decrease further as Prospects progress through the Journey and take different actions.
      3. To view additional Journey statistics, any action, trigger, or check in the Journey path can be clicked to open the statistics of that step in the Journey. For journey statistics related to email opens and/or clicks, Insightly identifies when opens and/or clicks are suspected as originating from a bot; these opens and/or clicks are filtered out and will not display in the open or click count for the email included in the Journey step.
        • The total count is the combination of all queued, sent, bounced, and skipped emails.
          • The skipped count includes Prospects that have opted out from a list or have been marked as Do Not Email on the Prospect record.
        • Prospects which were removed from the list before processing and Prospects that were added to the list after email sending hours have passed are included in the count.
        • Clicking the View Report option will open a new browser tab to display a report regarding the specific step’s statistics being viewed.

Review Journey Email Statistics

If a Journey contains a Send Email action, users can review statistics specific to the selected email, such as the Sent Count and the Opened Count.

  1. Navigate to the Journeys object.
  2. Open a journey record that contains a Send Email action.
    1. Click the Send Email step.
  3. Click View Report. Select any prospect record that appears in the report.
  4. Open the prospect’s Timeline tab and select the email that corresponds with the Send Email step.
  5. Open the Statistics tab to review the email’s statistics.
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