Date formulas
AppConnect supports a variety of date and datetime formulas. Formulas in AppConnect are whitelisted Ruby methods, and therefore not all Ruby methods are supported. You can always reach out to us to add additional formulas to the whitelist.
Syntax and functionality for these formulas are generally unchanged. Take note that most formulas will return an error and stop the job if it tries to operate on nulls (expressed as nil in Ruby), except for present?, presence and blank?.
User settings within AppConnect cannot be edited to alter the time zone, although
users can utilize formulas to change the output to different time zones as applicableBasics
Returns the time and date at runtime in US Pacific Time Zone.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
now | "2020-12-02 14:45:29 -0700" |
now + 2.days | "2020-12-04 14:45:29 -0700" |
now + 8.hours | "2020-12-02 22:45:29 -0700" |
How it works
The formula calculates the timestamp when the a job is being processed. Each step using this formula will return the timestamp at which the step runs.
Output datapill
If you only want the date without the time, try using the today formula instead.
Returns the date at runtime in US Pacific Time Zone.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
today | "2020-12-02" |
today + 2.days | "2020-12-04" |
today + 8.hours | "2020-12-02 08:00:00 -0700" |
How it works
The formula calculates the timestamp when the a job is being processed. Each step using this formula will return the timestamp at which the step runs.
Output datapill
If you want the date and time, try using the now formula sinstead.
Returns an future timestamp by a specified time duration. The timestamp is calculated at runtime.
Unit - A time value to offset.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
2.months.from_now | "2021-02-04 14:45:29 -0700" |
3.days.from_now | "2020-12-07 14:45:29 -0700" |
30.seconds.from_now | "2020-12-04 15:15:29 -0700" |
How it works
The formula calculates the current timestamp and offsets by a specified time duration. This timestamp is calculated when the a job is being processed. Each step using this formula will return a timestamp for each step that runs.
You can use any of these units: seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, or years.
Returns an earlier timestamp by a specified time duration. The timestamp is calculated at runtime.
Unit - A time value to offset.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
2.months.ago | "2020-10-04 14:45:29 -0700" |
3.days.ago | "2020-12-01 14:45:29 -0700" |
30.seconds.ago | "2020-12-04 14:15:29 -0700" |
How it works
The formula calculates the current timestamp and offsets by a specified time duration. This timestamp is calculated when the a job is being processed. Each step using this formula will return a timestamp for each step that runs.
You can use any of these units: seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, or years.
Returns day of the week. Sunday returns 0, monday returns 1.
Date - A date or datetime datatype.
Sample usage
Example | Result |
today.wday | 4 |
"01/12/2020".to_date(format:"DD/MM/YYYY").wday | 2 |
How it works
The formula calculates the current day when the a job is being processed. The day of the week is converted into an integer output. Sunday = 0, monday = 1.
Quickip: Convert to date datatype
This formula only works with date or datetime datatype. Use to_date to convert a string into a date datatype.
Returns day number of the year.
Date - A date or datetime datatype.
Sample usage
Example | Result |
today.yday | 338 |
"2020-01-01".to_date(format:"YYYY-MM-DD").yday | 1 |
"2020-02-01".to_date(format:"YYYY-MM-DD").yday | 32 |
How it works
The formula calculates the current day when the a job is being processed. The day of the year is converted into an integer output.
Quickip: Convert to date datatype
This formula only works with date or datetime datatype. Use to_date to convert a string into a date datatype.
Returns week number of the year.
Date - A date or datetime datatype.
Sample usage
Example | Result |
today.yweek | 49 |
"2020-01-01".to_date(format:"YYYY-MM-DD").yweek | 1 |
"2020-02-01".to_date(format:"YYYY-MM-DD").yweek | 5 |
How it works
The formula calculates the current day when the a job is being processed. The week of the year is converted into an integer output.
Quickip: Convert to date datatype
This formula only works with date or datetime datatype. Use to_date to convert a string into a date datatype.
Date arithmetics
We can make use of certain keywords such as days, months, years, minutes and seconds to perform date arithmetics to add or subtract days, months, years, minutes and seconds from dates and datetimes.
Sample usage
Date Arithmetic | Output |
"2020-01-01".to_date + 2.days | "2020-01-03" |
"2020-01-01".to_date - 2.days | "2019-12-30" |
"2020-01-01".to_date + 2.months | "2020-03-01" |
"2020-01-01".to_date - 2.months | "2019-11-01" |
"2020-01-01".to_date + 2.years | "2022-01-01" |
"2020-01-01".to_date - 2.years | "2018-01-01" |
Getting first/last timestamp of the current/next periods
Using a combination of date formulas, and date arithmetics, we can easily obtain the first and last days of a current or subsequent time period using some helper formulas. Not all time periods are supported just yet.
Returns datetime for top-of-the-hour for a given datetime.
Datetime - An input datetime.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
today.to_time.beginning_of_hour | "2020-12-02T16:00:00.000000-07:00" |
"2020-06-01T01:30:45.000000+00:00".beginning_of_hour | "2020-06-01T01:00:00.000000+00:00" |
"2020-06-01".to_time.beginning_of_hour | "2020-06-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00" |
Returns datetime for midnight on date of a given date/datetime.
Date - An input date or datetime.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
today.beginning_of_day | "2020-12-02T00:00:00.000000-07:00" |
"2020-06-01".to_date.beginning_of_day | "2020-06-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00" |
"2020-06-01T01:30:45.000000+00:00".beginning_of_day | "2020-06-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00" |
Returns date of the previous monday for a given date/datetime.
Date - An input date or datetime.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
today.beginning_of_week | "2020-11-30T00:00:00.000000+00:00" |
"2020-06-01".to_date.beginning_of_week | "2020-06-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00" |
"2020-06-01T01:30:45.000000+00:00".beginning_of_week | "2020-06-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00" |
Returns first day of the month for a given date/datetime.
Date - An input date or datetime.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
today.beginning_of_month | "2020-12-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00" |
"2020-06-01".to_date.beginning_of_month | "2020-06-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00" |
"2020-06-01T01:30:45.000000+00:00".beginning_of_month | "2020-06-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00" |
Returns first day of the year for a given date/datetime.
Date - An input date or datetime.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
today.beginning_of_year | "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00" |
"2020-06-01".to_date.beginning_of_year | "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00" |
"2020-06-01T01:30:45.000000+00:00".beginning_of_year | "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00" |
Returns last day of the month for a given date/datetime. This formula will return a date or datetime based on the input data.
Date - An input date or datetime.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
today.beginning_of_month | "2020-12-31" |
"2020-06-01".to_date.beginning_of_month | "2020-06-30" |
"2020-06-01T01:30:45.000000+00:00".beginning_of_month | "2020-06-30T23:59:59.999999+00:00" |
Display conversion
Returns a datetime input as a user-defined string.
Date - An input date or datetime.
format - The format of the user-defined datetime written as a string.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"2020-06-05T17:13:27.000000-07:00".strftime("%Y/%m/%d") | "2020/06/05" |
"2020-06-05T17:13:27.000000-07:00".strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") | "2020-06-05T17:13:27-0700" |
"2020-06-05T17:13:27.000000-07:00".strftime("%B %e, %l:%M%p") | "June 5, 5:13PM" |
"2020-06-05T17:13:27.000000-07:00".strftime("%A, %d %B %Y %k:%M") | "Friday, 05 June 2020 0:00" |
As shown above, each code (%B, %e, %I etc.) refers to a specific element of datetime. Static text and punctuation can also be added, such as commas (,), slashes (/), and colons (:). Here's a list of commonly used codes in AppConnect:
Code | Meaning | Example |
%Y | Year with century | 2020 |
%m | Month with zero-prefix | 06 |
%B | Full month name | June |
%b | Abbreviated month name | Jun |
%d | Day of the month with zero-prefix | 05 |
%e | Day of the month without zero-prefix | 5 |
%H | Hour of the day (24-hour) | 17 |
%k | Hour of day without 0 prefix (24-hour) | 17 |
%I (capital i) | Hour of the day (12-hour) | 05 |
%l (lowercase L) | Hour of day without 0 prefix (12-hour) | 5 |
%p | AM or PM | PM |
%M | Minute of the hour | 13 |
%S | Second of the minute | 27 |
%L | milliseconds of the minute | 000 |
%z | Time zone offset from UTC | -0700 |
%:z | Time zone formatted offset from UTC | -07:00 |
%Z | Time zone abbrev. name | UTC |
%A | Full day name | Friday |
How it works
Allows the user to define a datetime format. Returns the datetime input in the specified format.
Input datatype
The input must be a date or datetime datatype. You can use the to_date formula to convert a string into a date datatype.
Converts a time value to a different timezone. This formula will return a date or datetime based on the input data.Syntax
Date - An input date or datetime.
format - (optional) The target timezone. If not specified, this formula will return the timezone defined by your AppConnect accounts.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
today.in_time_zone | "2020-12-02" |
today.to_time.in_time_zone("America/New_York") | "2020-12-01T20:00:00.000000-04:00" |
"2020-06-01".to_time.in_time_zone | "2020-05-31T20:00:00.000000-04:00" |
"2020-06-01T01:30:45.000000+00:00".in_time_zone | "2020-05-31T12:30:00.000000-05:00" |
How it works
This formula uses the list of timezone names from the IANA time zone database. The output will be an equivalent time in a different timezone.
Returns true if the input datatime is within Daylight Savings Time.
Datetime - An input date or datetime.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
today.dst? | false |
today.in_time_zone("America/New_York").dst? | true |
"2020-06-01".in_time_zone("America/New_York").dst? | true |
"2020-09-06T18:30:15.671720-05:00".dst? | true |
Regions reference
Refer to the following table for the timezone name to use in the formula.
Region | Timezone to use in formula | UTC zone | DST offset? |
International Date Line West | Pacific/Midway | UTC-11 |
Midway Island | Pacific/Midway | UTC-11 |
American Samoa | Pacific/Pago_Pago | UTC-11 |
Hawaii | Pacific/Honolulu | UTC-10 |
Alaska | America/Juneau | UTC-9 | ✅ |
Pacific Time (US & Canada) | America/Los_Angeles | UTC-8 | ✅ |
Tijuana | America/Tijuana | UTC-8 | ✅ |
Mountain Time (US & Canada) | America/Denver | UTC-7 | ✅ |
Arizona | America/Phoenix | UTC-7 |
Chihuahua | America/Chihuahua | UTC-7 | ✅ |
Mazatlan | America/Mazatlan | UTC-7 | ✅ |
Central Time (US & Canada) | America/Chicago | UTC-6 | ✅ |
Saskatchewan | America/Regina | UTC-6 |
Guadalajara | America/Mexico_City | UTC-6 | ✅ |
Mexico City | America/Mexico_City | UTC-6 | ✅ |
Monterrey | America/Monterrey | UTC-6 | ✅ |
Central America | America/Guatemala | UTC-6 |
Eastern Time (US & Canada) | America/New_York | UTC-5 | ✅ |
Indiana (East) | America/Indiana/Indianapolis | UTC-5 | ✅ |
Bogota | America/Bogota | UTC-5 |
Lima | America/Lima | UTC-5 |
Quito | America/Lima | UTC-5 |
Atlantic Time (Canada) | America/Halifax | UTC-4 | ✅ |
Caracas | America/Caracas | UTC-4 |
La Paz | America/La_Paz | UTC-4 |
Santiago | America/Santiago | UTC-4 | ✅ |
Georgetown | America/Guyana | UTC-4 |
Newfoundland | America/St_Johns | UTC-3:30 | ✅ |
Brasilia | America/Sao_Paulo | UTC-3 |
Buenos Aires | America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires | UTC-3 |
Montevideo | America/Montevideo | UTC-3 |
Greenland | America/Godthab | UTC-3 | ✅ |
Mid-Atlantic | Atlantic/South_Georgia | UTC-2 |
Azores | Atlantic/Azores | UTC-1 | ✅ |
Cape Verde Is. | Atlantic/Cape_Verde | UTC-1 |
Dublin | Europe/Dublin | UTC-1 | ✅ |
Lisbon | Europe/Lisbon | UTC+0 | ✅ |
Edinburgh | Europe/London | UTC+0 | ✅ |
London | Europe/London | UTC+0 | ✅ |
Monrovia | Africa/Monrovia | UTC+0 |
UTC | Etc/UTC | UTC+0 |
Casablanca | Africa/Casablanca | UTC+1 |
Belgrade | Europe/Belgrade | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Bratislava | Europe/Bratislava | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Budapest | Europe/Budapest | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Ljubljana | Europe/Ljubljana | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Prague | Europe/Prague | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Sarajevo | Europe/Sarajevo | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Skopje | Europe/Skopje | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Warsaw | Europe/Warsaw | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Zagreb | Europe/Zagreb | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Brussels | Europe/Brussels | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Copenhagen | Europe/Copenhagen | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Madrid | Europe/Madrid | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Paris | Europe/Paris | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Amsterdam | Europe/Amsterdam | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Berlin | Europe/Berlin | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Bern | Europe/Zurich | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Zurich | Europe/Zurich | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Rome | Europe/Rome | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Stockholm | Europe/Stockholm | UTC+1 | ✅ |
Vienna | Europe/Vienna | UTC+1 | ✅ |
West Central Africa | Africa/Algiers | UTC+1 |
Bucharest | Europe/Bucharest | UTC+2 | ✅ |
Cairo | Africa/Cairo | UTC+2 |
Helsinki | Europe/Helsinki | UTC+2 | ✅ |
Kyiv | Europe/Kiev | UTC+2 | ✅ |
Riga | Europe/Riga | UTC+2 | ✅ |
Sofia | Europe/Sofia | UTC+2 | ✅ |
Tallinn | Europe/Tallinn | UTC+2 | ✅ |
Vilnius | Europe/Vilnius | UTC+2 | ✅ |
Athens | Europe/Athens | UTC+2 | ✅ |
Jerusalem | Asia/Jerusalem | UTC+2 | ✅ |
Harare | Africa/Harare | UTC+2 |
Pretoria | Africa/Johannesburg | UTC+2 |
Kaliningrad | Europe/Kaliningrad | UTC+2 |
Istanbul | Europe/Istanbul | UTC+3 |
Minsk | Europe/Minsk | UTC+3 |
Moscow | Europe/Moscow | UTC+3 |
St. Petersburg | Europe/Moscow | UTC+3 |
Kuwait | Asia/Kuwait | UTC+3 |
Riyadh | Asia/Riyadh | UTC+3 |
Nairobi | Africa/Nairobi | UTC+3 |
Baghdad | Asia/Baghdad | UTC+3 |
Tehran | Asia/Tehran | UTC+3:30 | ✅ |
Volgograd | Europe/Volgograd | UTC+4 |
Samara | Europe/Samara | UTC+4 |
Abu Dhabi | Asia/Muscat | UTC+4 |
Muscat | Asia/Muscat | UTC+4 |
Baku | Asia/Baku | UTC+4 |
Tbilisi | Asia/Tbilisi | UTC+4 |
Yerevan | Asia/Yerevan | UTC+4 |
Kabul | Asia/Kabul | UTC+4:30 | ✅ |
Ekaterinburg | Asia/Yekaterinburg | UTC+5 |
Islamabad | Asia/Karachi | UTC+5 |
Karachi | Asia/Karachi | UTC+5 |
Tashkent | Asia/Tashkent | UTC+5 |
Sri Jayawardenepura | Asia/Colombo | UTC+5:30 | ✅ |
Chennai | Asia/Kolkata | UTC+5:30 | ✅ |
Kolkata | Asia/Kolkata | UTC+5:30 | ✅ |
Mumbai | Asia/Kolkata | UTC+5:30 | ✅ |
New Delhi | Asia/Kolkata | UTC+5:30 | ✅ |
Kathmandu | Asia/Kathmandu | UTC+5:45 | ✅ |
Astana | Asia/Dhaka | UTC+6 |
Dhaka | Asia/Dhaka | UTC+6 |
Almaty | Asia/Almaty | UTC+6 |
Urumqi | Asia/Urumqi | UTC+6 |
Rangoon | Asia/Rangoon | UTC+6:30 | ✅ |
Novosibirsk | Asia/Novosibirsk | UTC+7 |
Bangkok | Asia/Bangkok | UTC+7 |
Hanoi | Asia/Bangkok | UTC+7 |
Jakarta | Asia/Jakarta | UTC+7 |
Krasnoyarsk | Asia/Krasnoyarsk | UTC+7 |
Beijing | Asia/Shanghai | UTC+8 |
Chongqing | Asia/Chongqing | UTC+8 |
Hong Kong | Asia/Hong_Kong | UTC+8 |
Kuala Lumpur | Asia/Kuala_Lumpur | UTC+8 |
Singapore | Asia/Singapore | UTC+8 |
Taipei | Asia/Taipei | UTC+8 |
Perth | Australia/Perth | UTC+8 |
Irkutsk | Asia/Irkutsk | UTC+8 |
Ulaanbaatar | Asia/Ulaanbaatar | UTC+8 |
Seoul | Asia/Seoul | UTC+9 |
Osaka | Asia/Tokyo | UTC+9 |
Sapporo | Asia/Tokyo | UTC+9 |
Tokyo | Asia/Tokyo | UTC+9 |
Yakutsk | Asia/Yakutsk | UTC+9 |
Darwin | Australia/Darwin | UTC+9:30 |
Adelaide | Australia/Adelaide | UTC+9:30 | ✅ |
Canberra | Australia/Melbourne | UTC+10 | ✅ |
Melbourne | Australia/Melbourne | UTC+10 | ✅ |
Sydney | Australia/Sydney | UTC+10 | ✅ |
Brisbane | Australia/Brisbane | UTC+10 |
Hobart | Australia/Hobart | UTC+10 | ✅ |
Vladivostok | Asia/Vladivostok | UTC+10 |
Guam | Pacific/Guam | UTC+10 |
Port Moresby | Pacific/Port_Moresby | UTC+10 |
Magadan | Asia/Magadan | UTC+11 |
Srednekolymsk | Asia/Srednekolymsk | UTC+11 |
Solomon Is. | Pacific/Guadalcanal | UTC+11 |
New Caledonia | Pacific/Noumea | UTC+11 |
Fiji | Pacific/Fiji | UTC+12 | ✅ |
Kamchatka | Asia/Kamchatka | UTC+12 |
Marshall Is. | Pacific/Majuro | UTC+12 |
Auckland | Pacific/Auckland | UTC+12 | ✅ |
Wellington | Pacific/Auckland | UTC+12 | ✅ |
Nuku'alofa | Pacific/Tongatapu | UTC+13 |
Tokelau Is. | Pacific/Fakaofo | UTC+13 |
Samoa | Pacific/Apia | UTC+13 |
Chatham Is. | Pacific/Chatham | UTC+13:45 | ✅ |
Converting datetime to date
To convert a date data type into a datetime data, or vice versa, use the to_date or to_time formulas.
This formula converts the input data into a date. Returns the date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
String.first(format: format)
String - An input datetime or a string that describes a date or datetime.
format - (optional) The date format of the input written as a string. If not specified, AppConnect will parse the input string automatically.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"23-01-2020 10:30PM".to_date(format: "DD-MM-YYYY") | "2020-01-23" |
"01-23-2020 10:30PM".to_date(format: "MM-DD-YYYY") | "2020-01-23" |
"2020/01/23".to_date(format: "YYYY/MM/DD") | "2020-01-23" |
How it works
Converts the input data into a date datatype.
Input data best practice
It is recommended to specify the input data format. If the format is not specified, AppConnect will automatically parse the input string.
The input string must resemble a date for this formula to work.
Converts a string to an ISO timestamp. The response will use the UTC timezone (+00:00).
String - An input string that describes a date or datetime.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"2020-04-02T12:30:30.462659-07:00".to_time | "2020-04-02T19:30:30.462659+00:00" |
"2020-04-02".to_time | "2020-04-02T00:00:00.000000+00:00" |
How it works
Converts the input string into a datetime datatype. The output datetime will be converted to the UTC timezone (+00:00).
Autofill time
If the input data does not include the time, the output will default to 00:00:00.000000 +00:00.
This formula checks the input string and returns true if it is an empty string or if it is null.
Input - An input datapill. It can be a string, number, date, or datetime datatype.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Any Value".blank? | false |
123.blank? | false |
0.blank? | false |
"".blank? | true |
How it works
If the input is null or an empty string, the formula will return false. For any other data, it returns true.
This formula will check the input and if there is a value present, it will return true. If the input is nil, an empty string or an empty list, the formula will return false.
Input - An input datapill. It can be a string, number, date, or list datatype.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Any Value".present? | true |
123.present? | true |
0.present? | true |
"2017-04-02T12:30:00.000000-07:00".present? | true |
nil.present? | false |
"".present? | false |
[].present? | false |
How it works
If the input is null, an empty string or an empty list, the formula will return false. For any other data, it returns true.
Evaluating a list with nil values
Only an empty list will return false.
[].present? returns false.
A list with nil and empty string will return true.
[nil,""].present? returns true.
Returns the data if it exists, returns nil if it does not.
Input - An input datapill. It can be a string, number, date, or datetime datatype.
Sample usage
Formula | Result |
nil.presence | nil |
"".presence | nil |
"Any Value".presence | "Any Value" |
45.0.presence | 45.0 |
0.presence | 0 |
How it works
If the input is null or an empty string, the formula will return nil. For any other data, it returns the orignal input data.