What's New at Insightly January 2024

Learn what's new with Insightly by reviewing enhancements that are now available! For questions, the Additional Resources section can be utilized to learn more about getting support from Insightly. Use the links below to navigate to a specific product.

Insightly Platform 
Insightly CRMInsightly Marketing
Insightly ServiceInsightly AppConnect

Enhancement List

Use these links to navigate to specific enhancements:

Insightly Platform 

Allow Bulk Download of files in File Attachment list

Users can now choose and download files with sizes up to 1 GB and select up to 50 files from the File Attachments list. Upon clicking the download button in the toolbar, a message will appear: "Your file download has been queued successfully. You will receive the download link via email shortly at name@email.com." The downloaded files will be compressed into a zip file and sent to users along with a link to access the zipped file. 

Here is a link to our help documentation to learn more about Uploading and Managing Files.

Display Object's Record via CTI API

A new API endpoint has been introduced to facilitate the display of an object's record on a user's screen in response to an incoming phone call. When a call is received by a CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) system, it associates the call with the newly created record. Both standard and custom objects will now open in a new browser tab through the API. 

Here is a link to our help documentation to learn more about Insightly API

Insightly CRM

Include Organization in Opportunity and Quote Reports

The Linked Organization Standard Fields and Linked Organization Custom Fields from the Primary Linked Organization have been incorporated into the Opportunity Report, Opportunity Stage Duration Report, and Quote Report. This enhancement allows users to apply filters based on Organization fields in these reports. 

Here is a link to our help documentation to learn more about Reports

Add to Marketing List Action Improvement

When a user opts for the 'Add to Marketing List' action menu item in CRM, a new Prospect will be generated if there is no existing Prospect linked with the corresponding Contact or Lead. It's important to note that this action is only applicable when the Contact or Lead includes an Email Address, as the creation of a Prospect requires this field. If the Email Address is not present, the action will not be executed, considering the Email Address is a mandatory field for Prospect creation. 

Here is a link to our help documentation to learn more about Adding Contact and Leads to Marketing List

Insightly Marketing

Email Sending Limits

Customers who have never had a paid invoice, will see a message on the Marketing app homepage indicating, "Low email sending limit in place for unpaid customers." They will be restricted to sending a maximum of 100 marketing emails to their prospects. Once this limit is reached, a message will appear in the email record stating, "Your email sending limit is reached," and the Email Status will display as Send Error.

Here is a link to our help documentation to learn more about Emails Overview.

CRM Connector Enhancements

We are introducing two new options in the CRM Connector settings under Marketing System Settings:

  1. Overwrite CRM values with Marketing empty / null values: To enable the synchronization of null values from the Marketing Prospect to the associated CRM Contact or Lead, this new checkbox has been added. This checkbox will be unchecked by default. When checked, null values from Marketing will be synced to CRM. Conversely, when the checkbox is unchecked, empty or null values in the CRM Connector sync will be disregarded.

  2. Automatically sync custom field label updates for primary and secondary field: This new option is introduced to sync label updates. Enabling this option ensures that any changes made to the label of the primary field will be automatically reflected in the field labels of the secondary fields cloned from the primary field. Conversely, if this option is disabled, modifications to the label of the primary field will not be carried over to the labels of the secondary fields.

    Here is a link to our help documentation to learn more about CRM Connector Settings.

Additional Resources

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