What's New at Insightly February 2024

Learn what's new with Insightly by reviewing enhancements that are now available! For questions, the Additional Resources section can be utilized to learn more about getting support from Insightly. Use the links below to navigate to a specific product.

Insightly Platform 
Insightly CRMInsightly Marketing
Insightly ServiceInsightly AppConnect

Enhancement List

Use these links to navigate to specific enhancements.

Insightly Platform 

New Sign up and Log in experience

We've streamlined the sign up process and enhanced our user interface, enabling new users to sign up without manually entering information into various fields. They simply need to select the email address they want to use, create a password, and proceed to complete the signup process. Additionally, the log in process has been simplified, directing users to the respective app immediately after entering their credentials.

Here are the links to our help documentations for Sign Up, Log in and Reset Password.

Name under User profile hyperlinked to Contact record

The user name and user icon within the User Profile on the top right will be hyperlinked to the corresponding System User Contact record.

Here is a link to our help documentation for User Settings Overview.

Insightly CRM

Email Domain set as a required field on Page Layouts

The Email Domain field can be set as a mandatory field in the page layout. When adding or editing an entity, users are required to enter a value for the Email Domain to ensure that at least one email domain value has been added to the record.

Here is a link to our help documentation for How to create Page Layouts.

Checkbox to copy existing Files and Notes relocated

The checkbox for "Copy Existing Files and Notes" has been relocated to the footer of the modal that appears during the cloning process of an Opportunity or a Project. Users need to check the checkbox if they want to copy existing files and notes to the cloned Opportunity or Project.

Here is a link to our help documentation for How to clone a Project or Opportunity.

Insightly Marketing

API Endpoints for Marketing Visits

We already have UTM Touchpoints available under the related grid of Prospect records to help Marketing users track the performance of their content and social media campaigns. Marketing users now have the capability to retrieve these UTM touchpoints for specific prospect visits through read-only API endpoints. These endpoints fetch the list of marketing visits with the newest first and can retrieve all visits for individual prospects.

Here is a link to our help documentation for Prospect UTM Touchpoints.

Insightly Service

Field additions to Ticket Reports  

Service users will now be able to include Linked Contact Standard and Custom fields, as well as Linked Organization Standard and Custom fields in all Ticket Reports, excluding the Ticket Comment Report. 

Here is a link to our help documentation for Ticket Reports.

Ticket CSAT score added to Ticket filters 

Under custom list view filters for Tickets, a new section Ticket CSAT will be added from which users can choose CSAT Score that will be a dropdown field with values of “Good” and “Bad”. CSAT Score can be added as a filter field and can also be displayed as a column in list views. CSAT Comment will also be available as a column in ticket custom list views.

Here is a link to our help documentation for CSAT.

Audit Log to capture Ticket comment changes

When a Public Reply or an Internal Note is added, edited or deleted within a service ticket, this change will now be tracked in the audit log and be visible within the ticket interface under the Audit Log tab. When a public reply is converted to an internal note or when an internal note is converted to a public reply, the conversion will also be tracked in the audit log.

Here is a link to our help documentation for Audit Log.

Insightly AppConnect

New custom HTTP Request action

A new action type is being introduced in the Insightly AppConnect integration. This custom action involves an HTTPS request directed to the Insightly API, utilizing the credentials from the existing Insightly AppConnect connection. This addition eliminates the need for users to create a separate connection in AppConnect, especially when dealing with API endpoints not already integrated into the AppConnect connector.

Here is a link to our help documentation for AppConnect Custom Actions.

Additional Resources

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