[Insightly Classic] Searching in Insightly

Insightly Classic is the old version of Insightly. It's not available to new accounts. Users on Insightly Classic can switch over to the latest version.

Insightly's main search field is right at the top of the page when you log in.

When you start typing search terms, the system will begin list matching records. The most relevant items are listed first and include context, like an email address, to help you find the right record. Search also recognizes when you enter a complete email address or URL and will focus on those fields to find the best results.


Tips for global search and linking

These tips apply whether you're looking for a specific record or you're linking records

  • Relevance - Insightly determines relevant results based on your search terms and what they match to. For example, an exact match to a contact name will rank higher than matches in notes or comments, and email addresses and URLs will rank higher when they’re matched to email or website fields.
  • Tags and custom fields - There's no need to set up a custom filter when you're looking for records with a single tag or custom field value. Just use the search.
  • Phone numbers - Enter a string of numbers without dashes or hyphens or parentheses and you'll find matching phone numbers and other number strings regardless of their format in a record.
  • Email addresses - Enter a full or partial email address to find matches. Searches like insightly.com will find all contacts with an email address for that domain.
  • Web addresses - Enter a full URL to find a match, such as www.insightly.com.
  • Exact matches - Force exact text matches by using quotes, like in Google. For example, typing Cabral will find all records containing that string—Cabrallo, Cabraló. But a search for “Cabral” will display only the results that match the text exactly.
  • No accents - Accented characters will not find matches.
  • View more results - Up to 30 matching results will display below the search field, but press your Enter key to go to a search results page with more matches. This page includes tabs for each type of object, so you can further focus on what you're looking for.
  • See the match - The search results page includes highlights to display the matching elements in each returned record.
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