What is the New Insightly User Experience?

In October of 2017, Insightly introduced new features and a new look called the New Insightly User Experience.

The new Insightly gives you more control over how you see your CRM information. Lists can be customized and viewed in a grid or pipeline format. Individual records appear in slide-out panels with a highlights bar while still giving you easy access to your lists.

 While we'll continue to add new features to the new Insightly experience in the future, Insightly Classic will not receive updates.

All customers have the option of switching to the new Insightly or to continue using Insightly Classic while it's still available. You can refer to this video for more details. 

If you have saved your Insightly login to your bookmarks, we recommend that you update it to https://login.insightly.com.

To switch your account to the new experience

  1. Go to System Settings.
  2. Click Switch your team to the new Insightly User Experience.
  3. Tick the box.
  4. Click Save Settings.

You and your users will be logged out and prompted to log in from the new sign in page. You'll then see the new orange bar at the top of the page!


If you log in via G Suite, we recommend uninstalling and reinstalling the Insightly app from G Suite Marketplace apps. This will help ensure that you're directed to the correct version of Insightly.

Google has renamed G Suite to Google Workplace.

Learn about all the changes in What has changed in the New Insightly?

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