Glossary of Insightly Service Terms


End Users of Insightly Service - Agents manage and resolve customers requests through tickets.


An object that helps support agents communicate with customers to resolve issues and/or requests. Tickets can be submitted through a Portal Website, forwarded by email, using Web to Ticket, and/or created manually within Insightly. Tickets capture initial requests and subsequent conversations. 

Ticket Statuses

Indicate how much progress has been made towards resolving a customer issue. Insightly Statuses include:

  • New - The Ticket has not been opened and has not been assigned to an agent. 
  • Open - The Ticket has been reviewed and assigned to an agent.
  • Pending - The Ticket’s assigned agent has a follow-up question for the customer and is waiting for a response that provides the information the agent needs to continue resolving the request.
  • On-hold - The support request is awaiting a resolution from a third party. Likely, this is someone who is not a member of the support staff and does not have an agent account. 
  • Solved - The agent has resolved the support issue. Solved tickets are set to Closed, typically, a number of days after they have been set to Solved (the exact number of days depends on how an Administrator sets this up).
  • Closed - Closed means that the ticket is complete and can't be reopened. Requesters however can create follow-up requests for closed requests. Closing a ticket is handled automatically via business rules.


When tickets are submitted, they enter an initial Queue - this acts as an area for teams to prioritize, distribute, and assign ownership of Tickets to individual agents. Once a ticket is assigned to an Agent, it is removed from the Queue. Customers can customize their queues and create automation to determine where ticket submissions are sent.


Ticket response templates that can be applied to a Ticket to provide consistent, informational responses to frequently asked questions. Macros allow agents to work faster by streamlining responses while mitigating human error. The text can be edited before the response is sent so it can be personalized as needed. Macros can be created by Admins for all agents or by individual agents themselves.


The hours in which a customer can expect to reach a support team for help. Admins can create schedules to include business hours, time zones, and holidays.
Insightly Service Customers can customize their business and company hours based on when they provide support to ensure accurate and consistent coverage

Service Level Agreements

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) set the standard of performance for a Support Team by defining targets or deadlines agents are expected to meet when it comes to ticket response and/or resolution times. SLAs ensure companies are providing consistent, high-quality, and prioritized customer service. 

SLA Reminder Actions

Within an SLA Policy, Reminder Actions are set up to ensure the Team does not miss a response time. You can trigger an email through a reminder action to an assigned Ticket Owner or other User on the account - this functionality works similarly to Insightly Workflow Automation.

SLA Escalation Actions

Within an SLA Policy, Escalation Actions are set up to notify users that a target has been missed - you are able to define the recipients for this email and the timeframe for when it is sent.

First Response Time 

How quickly your Service Agents are able to respond to a customer’s initial inquiry.


Customer (or Client) Portals allow businesses to create a centralized hub of information related to their product or service offerings - businesses can use Portals to curate an experience and facilitate access to relevant resources based on who someone is or what they are interested in.

Knowledge Article(s)

Records with instructional content related to a company's products or services. Knowledge Articles can be shared through Tickets or through links to a Public Portal Website as a self-service resource. Knowledge Articles can be embedded in Macro responses.



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