Prospects Overview


Prospects are the people that are being targeting with marketing efforts. Prospects can come from many types of sources depending on the type of business being done.

  • For example, a Prospect could be someone who signed up for a newsletter. Adding them to Insightly Marketing as a Prospect helps ensure that they can be reached through future marketing campaigns.

In this Article 


How Prospects Work

Prospect Record

Prospect Sunsetting

How to Create a Prospect

Create via Prospect Object

Create via CRM Connector

Prospect Actions

Edit a Prospect

Clone a Prospect

Delete a Prospect

Manage Prospect Contact Preferences and Opt Outs

Convert a Prospect to a Lead

Convert via Prospect Record

Convert via Journey

Convert a Prospect to a Contact

Convert Via Prospect Record

Convert Via Finish Action

Suppress a Prospect

Use Cases

How Prospects Work

Prospects can be utilized in several ways; when potential customers have been identified, they can be categorized into lists to assist directing specific marketing campaigns to certain Prospects. After Prospects have been added to a list, the list can be used when creating a Journey to nurture the prospect and the list can also be used in an email campaign.

  • For users who utilize both Insightly Marketing and Insightly CRM, relationships between Prospects and a Contact or Lead can be created. Using the CRM Connector in Insightly Marketing, a new Prospect can be created for every Lead or Contact. Additionally, any related Opportunity tab information (Insightly CRM) will display in the Timeline tab of the linked Prospect (Insightly Marketing).

Prospect Record

Prospect records can be viewed by selecting the Prospects object on the left side of Insightly Marketing

Details Tab

The Details tab of a Prospect record displays details regarding the Prospect such as contact information, Prospect scores, contact preferences and opt out information, etc.

Related Tab

The Related tab of a Prospect record displays various Insightly Marketing aspects that are related to the Prospect such as lists and emails. Related tickets and field history for the Prospect can also be reviewed.  

UTM Touchpoints

The UTM Touchpoints Related grids can be added to lead, contact, and prospect records to help users track the performance of their content and social media campaigns. It can be added to prospect, lead, and contact records via page layouts. New Insightly Marketing users will have this grid added by default to their prospect records. Existing Marketing users can also reset their default prospect page layout to add the grid.

The default fields include:

  • Visit ID (hyperlinked to a Website Visitor Report)
  • Touchpoint Date (Date Created)
  • Referrer Source
  • Referrer Medium
  • UTM Network
  • UTM Medium
  • UTM Source
  • UTM Term
  • UTM Content
  • GCLID (Google Click ID)

Marketing users also have the capability to retrieve these UTM touchpoints for specific prospect visits through read-only API endpoints. These endpoints fetch the list of marketing visits with the newest first and can retrieve all visits for individual prospects. 

Timeline Tab

The Timeline tab allows users to review a Prospect’s tracked activity. For users that who utilize both Insightly Marketing and Insightly CRM and who have Prospects linked to Leads or Contacts, the Timeline tab will display any related Opportunity tab information from Insightly CRM. The following is a list of tracked activity that can be shown in this tab when applicable:

  1. Browsing Session: A browsing session measures a Prospect’s engagement and activities when they visit a website.
  2. Email Opens/Clicks/Deliveries/Bounces: Prospect’s interactions can be reviewed by clicking the hyperlink for the email. The email record will open, and further data can be reviewed via the Statistics tab in the email record. Insightly identifies when opens and/or clicks are suspected as originating from a bot; these opens and/or clicks are filtered out and are not accounted for in a Prospect's Timeline tab.
  3. Score Adjustment: Any increase or decrease (due to an Insightly Marketing activity) in Prospect score will be displayed. In an instance where the default scoring model and an additional scoring model apply to the Prospect, both value changes will display as applicable.
  4. Geographic Location: The geographic location of where a Prospect performed an action.
  5. Form handler Submissions: If a Prospect submits a form, the data they provided can be reviewed. The hyperlink for the activity (form) can be clicked to open the form handler record.
  6. Zoom Webinars: Webinars that Prospects have registered for or attended can be reviewed. Utilize the Visitor Integration Activity Report for a full list of who attended, joined, and left Zoom webinars.
  7. Spam: When Insightly identifies spam activity, the Prospect and their activity will be marked as spam.
  8. YouTube Video Engagement: Insightly captures play, pause, and end events when a Prospect interacts with YouTube videos embedded on landing pages or tracked websites. The title of the video hyperlinks to the YouTube video being tracked.

Prospect Sunsetting

Prospect sunsetting is the process of reducing the number of prospects in an account once they haven't engaged with content after a specified length of time; shifting to engagement driven marketing rather than database size driven marketing has many benefits such as saving on subscription costs (due to being charged per Prospect within an account) or removing uninterested prospects so that marketing campaigns can then be more focused and directed to actively engaged Prospects. 

Continuing to send marketing content to uninterested Prospects could result in the following:

  • Skewed metrics related to engagement rates
  • Increased spam reports/complaints
  • Increased chances of being blacklisted 

Reviewing metrics related to open and/or click rates of marketing emails can provide insight into which Prospects could be sunset due to a lack of interest. The following reports can be utilized to gather data related to opens/clicks and Prospect activity:

How to Create a Prospect

When a person has shown interest, they can be added to Insightly Marketing as a Prospect. Based on their actions, they are given a score and a grade for how likely they are to move forward with services.

Create via Prospect Object 

Navigate to Prospects via the objects on the left side of Insightly Marketing. Click the New Prospect button in the upper right.

  1. The Add New Prospect popup will be displayed where Prospect information can be entered.
    • The only required field is Email; although, it is a best practice to apply as much information about the Prospect as possible
    • If custom prospect scoring models have been created, one can be applied via the Prospect Scoring section. If custom scoring models have not been created, the default scoring model will be automatically applied.  
  2. When all details have been applied, either of the following can be clicked as applicable:
    • Save: Save the Prospect’s record. This will automatically open the new record for review.
    • Save New: Save the Prospect’s record and reload the Add New Prospect popup to create another new Prospect record.

Create via CRM Connector

When applying CRM Connector settings, enabling Automatically Create Prospects in Insightly Marketing if they are Created as Leads or Contacts in Insightly CRM ensures that when a lead or contact is created within Insightly CRM, a corresponding Prospect in Insightly Marketing will automatically be created.

Prospect Actions

When editing, cloning, or deleting a Prospect, these actions can be done via two different routes:

Route 1: Via the list view of Prospects, the three dots menu on the far right of a Prospect can be clicked and the applicable function can be chosen from the expanded list.

Route 2: Via the list view of Prospects, a Prospect record can be opened. Once opened, the Actions drop-down in the upper right corner can be clicked and the applicable function can be chosen from the drop-down list.

Edit a Prospect

Users can edit Prospects to update information and scoring; keeping Prospect information is up to date ensures a Prospect is segmented into the correct lists.

NOTE: For users who have enabled the CRM Connector to automatically create Prospects based off Contacts and Leads in Insightly Marketing, information will be agnostic between the two products. For example, if an update is made to a Contact in Insightly CRM, the corresponding Prospect in Insightly Marketing will automatically update.

  1. To edit a Prospect, navigate to Prospects via the objects on the left side of Insightly Marketing.
  2. From the Prospectsscreen, locate the Prospect that requires editing.
    1. Click either the three dots menu to the far right of the Prospect in the list view or click the Actions button in the upper right of the Prospect record.
    2. From the available options, select Edit This Prospect.

Clone a Prospect

Cloning a Prospect will create a new Prospect with the same details as the original. For example, if multiple Prospects are being added for the same company, the first Prospect can be created and then be used as a template for the remaining Prospects.

  1. To clone a Prospect, navigate to Prospects via the objects on the left side of Insightly Marketing.
  2. From the Prospectsscreen, locate the Prospect that requires cloning.
    1. Click either the three dots menu to the far right of the Prospect in the list view or click the Actions button in the upper right of the Prospect record.
    2. From the available options, select Clone This Prospect.
      1. The Add New Prospect popup will appear and display the cloned information. From this popup, the cloned information can be updated as applicable for the new Prospect.

Delete a Prospect

  1. To delete a Prospect, navigate to Prospects via the objects on the left side of Insightly Marketing.
  2. From the Prospects screen, locate the Prospect that requires deletion.
    1. Click either the three dots menu to the far right of the Prospect in the list view or click the Actions button in the upper right of the Prospect record.
    2. From the available options, select Delete This Prospect.
      1. The Delete Prospect popup will display where the action can be completed or cancelled. 

Manage Prospect Contact Preferences and Opt Outs 

It is a best practice to accurately track a Prospect’s interest in order to maintain a healthy reputation with the Prospect.

If a Prospect chooses to unsubscribe or opt out of communications, it is important to respect the Prospect’s choice in order to remain General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant.

  1. On the Details tab, there are five fields that can be used to manage contact preferences. These settings can be applied manually, or they can be triggered by Prospect actions using Finish Actions.



    Do Not Email

    When enabled, the email address associated with the Prospect will be suppressed from receiving any emails even if the Prospect is on an active list.

    • This can be triggered by the Prospect if their email hard bounced or if they have 7 soft bounces.
    • If a Prospect unsubscribes via a Journey email, they will no longer receive emails but will be marked as Opt Out rather than Do Not Email.

    It is a best practice to use a suppression  list to effectively capture all prospects who do not wish to receive marketing communications

    Do Not Call

    When enabled, this indicates that the Prospect has requested to not receive phone calls.

    Do Not Sync

    When enabled, the Prospect will not be updated during a sync.

    Opted Out

    Yields different results based on how it’s triggered:

    • If set manually, the Prospect will no longer receive any emails.
    • If the Prospect unsubscribes from a Journey email and the Journey field Unsubscribe Applies To is set to Prospect Record, the Prospect will no longer receive any emails. 
    • If triggered by the Prospect unsubscribing from an email campaign that was sent to a list that they are a member of, the Prospect will only be unsubscribed from the list that was utilized for the email campaign. They will continue to receive emails for other lists they are on.

    It is a best practice to use a suppression list to effectively capture all Prospects who do not wish to receive marketing communications.

    NOTE: If a prospect has opted out from a list and is subsequently removed, adding them back to that list in the future will not change their opted out selection. 


Convert a Prospect to a Lead

For users of both Insightly Marketing and Insightly CRM, Prospects can be converted to Leads.

Convert Via Prospect Record

  1. To convert a prospect to a lead, navigate to Prospects via the objects on the left side of Insightly Marketing.

  2. Locate a Prospect.

    1. Within the Prospect’s record, click the Actions button and from the available options, select Convert to Lead.

  3. The Convert to Lead modal will appear. Enter the Lead Status, Lead Owner, Lead Assignment, and Lead Source.

  4. Click Save

Convert Via Journey

A Prospect can be converted to a Lead through an existing Journey or by creating a new Journey for the process. Once it has been determined where in the Journey that a Prospect should convert to a Lead, the Action step Convert to Lead can be added.

Convert a Prospect to a Contact

For users of both Insightly Marketing and Insightly CRM, prospects can be converted to contacts.

Convert Via Prospect Record

  1. To convert a prospect to a contact, navigate to Prospects via the objects on the left side of Insightly Marketing.
  2. Select a Prospect record.
    1. Within the Prospect’s record, click the Actions dropdown and from the available options, select Convert to Contact.
    2. The Convert to Contact popup will appear. Select a user from the Assign Contact Owner dropdown.
    3. Click Save to complete the conversion.

Convert Via Finish Action

Read the Finish Actions Overview to learn how to create a Finish Action that will convert a prospect record into a contact record.

Suppress a Prospect

When creating lists with filtered criteria (i.e., Dynamic Lists), these lists can be useful for determining which Prospects should be suppressed from certain marketing campaigns. A Prospect can be added to either a Static or Dynamic List and when creating an email, the list can be added to the Suppression Lists field and any Prospect on the list will not receive the email.

Use Cases



I want to avoid emailing a Prospect I didn’t create.

A Dynamic List can be created with the following rule:

Filter by: Created by User

Operator: Not Equal To

Value: Your name

This rule will exclude from the list any Prospects that you didn’t create.

I want to avoid emailing a Prospect too often.

A Dynamic List can be created with the following rule:

Filter by: Email

Operator: Less Than

Value: 3 days

This rule will exclude from the list any Prospects that have been emailed within the last 3 days.

I want to avoid emailing Prospects based on their geographical location.  

A Dynamic List can be created with the following rule:

Filter by: Country

Operator: Equal To

Value: Australia

This rule will exclude from the list any Prospects located in Australia.

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