What's New at Insightly March 2024

Learn what's new with Insightly by reviewing enhancements that are now available! For questions, the Additional Resources section can be utilized to learn more about getting support from Insightly. Use the links below to navigate to a specific product.

Insightly Platform 
Insightly CRMInsightly Marketing
Insightly ServiceInsightly AppConnect

Enhancement List

Use these links to navigate to specific enhancements.

Insightly Platform 

New Reporting with Subfolders

Insightly's reporting system now incorporates subfolders to enhance list-view capabilities. There are two primary folders: System folders, which encompass default standard report folders, and Custom folders, allowing users to create top-level folders or nest them within others, extending up to five levels deep.

Additionally, both System and Custom Folders will include a newly added column called "Date Last Run," offering insights into when each report was last executed or viewed.

Here is a link to our help documentation for New Reporting with Subfolders 

We’ve updated the 'Add New User' modal in the System Settings> User List by expanding its current set of fields to match those available in the edit user form. This enhancement allows administrators to set additional field values during the user creation process. The revised 'Add New User' modal closely resembles the edit user form, with the added feature of incorporating the ability to add a Google Workspace user at the top if the instance is a Google Workspace instance.

Here is a link to our help documentation for How to Add a New User.

Insightly CRM 

Add the option to disable triggering AppConnect Recipes for Imports

In the Imports settings, there is an option (not selected by default) that prevents the initiation of workflows based on the respective transaction. We have now incorporated AppConnect recipes into this functionality. Consequently, when an import takes place, none of the Webhook subscriptions linked to AppConnect Recipes will be activated. User needs to click the Trigger Automations checkbox if they want to trigger and process any workflow automation rules and actions and associated AppConnect recipes that are applicable to the records being imported.

Here is a link to our help documentation for How to Import data.

Add the option to disable triggering AppConnect Recipes for Bulk Edits

In the Bulk Edits, there is an option (not selected by default) that prevents the initiation of Workflow Automation based on the respective transaction. We have now incorporated AppConnect Recipes into this functionality. Consequently, when a bulk edit takes place, none of the Webhook subscriptions linked to AppConnect Recipes will be activated. User needs to click the Trigger Workflow Automations/ AppConnect Recipes checkbox if they want to trigger and process any workflow automation rules and actions and associated AppConnect recipes that are applicable to the records being edited.

Here is a link to our help documentation for Updating multiple records with Bulk 

API endpoint added for generating Merge Documents

We’ve added a new API endpoint for generating Merge Docs. This new endpoint will receive the object record and the merge document template as inputs, initiating the merge document generator process. It will then save and provide the merge document, replicating the functionality of generating merge documents through the web user interface.

GET: /DocumentTemplates - Retrieves the list of document templates along with the associated object using id or search.

POST: /{objectName}/{id}/MergeDocument/{documentTemplateId} - Initiates the generation and saving of a new merge document using the provided template ID. 

POST: /{objectName}/{id}/MergeDocument/{documentTemplateId}?format=json - Initiates the generation of link to the new merge document.

Here is a link to our help documentation for Merge Documents and API Documentation.

Insightly Marketing

Validation Errors to be displayed for Marketing Forms

When the HTML version of a marketing form is generated using the actions menu on the form handler, it will now incorporate validation errors for various scenarios. Each time a user adds a form to their landing page, the form will undergo field validation upon submission, and in case of validation failure, an error message will be presented.

Here is a link to our help documentation for Form Handlers.

Insightly Service

New Portal Activity Reporting

A new section called 'Portal Reports' is being introduced within Service Reporting. This enhancement is designed to provide customers with robust reporting tools, allowing them to delve into portal activities more comprehensively. The Portal Reports folder consists of three reports, each set with the default filters "Default Portal" and "This Quarter." Additionally, users have the flexibility to incorporate custom and standard Contact or Organization fields as needed.

  • Portal Contact Signup Report
  • Portal Contact Article View Report
  • Portal Contact Vote Report

Here is a link to our help documentation to learn more about Portal Reports.

CC Field Added to Portal Ticket Form

Service users will now have the ability to include CC email addresses in the new ticket form on the portal. The CC field will be available as an optional field that customers can opt to include in their form.

Here is a link to our help documentation for How to use Portal Websites.

Additional Resources

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