New Reporting with Subfolders


Insightly's reporting system now incorporates subfolders to enhance list-view capabilities. 

There are two primary folders: System folders, which encompass default standard report folders, and Custom folders, allowing users to create top-level folders or nest them within others, extending up to five levels deep.

Additionally, both System and Custom Folders include a column called "Date Last Run," offering insights into when each report was last executed or viewed.

In this Article

System Folders


The system folders consist of the following five default folders, and none of them can accommodate user-created subfolders. 

  • Recently Viewed: It displays all reports ordered from the most recently viewed or run to the oldest.

  • Created By Me: This system folder showcases reports created by the currently logged-in user.

  • My Personal Reports: It showcases reports customized by the user.

  • Shared Reports: This is a system folder that displays the reports that have been shared with the user.

  • Standard Reports: This system folder showcases subfolders for various standard report types such as Task Report, Contact Report, Lead Report, Organization Report, Opportunity Report, and Project Reports. Additionally, it incorporates 'Other Reports.' Within the subfolders dedicated to standard object reports, you can discover related reports. For example, exploring the Task Report subfolder reveals three standard reports: Task Report, Task Linked Item Report, and Task Comment Report.


Custom Folders

Users can create custom folders up to 5 levels deep.  Custom folders can be created as top-level folders or within any custom folder but not system folders.  

Create or Add New Custom Folder or Subfolder

When the user selects the 'New Folder' button, the Parent Folder will be pre-selected, and a new folder will be created. Folders can be located using the search bar located on the left sidebar.  

When creating a folder, you can choose viewing permissions:

  • Everyone

  • Only the record owner

  • Select individual people

Sub-folders will inherit the permissions of the parent folder. If a parent folder has permissions set to "Everyone," subfolders beneath it can still have restricted permissions.

Edit or Delete Custom Folder or Subfolder

To Edit or Delete custom folders, you can utilize the carat symbol, while editing subfolders is accessible through the actions (three-dot) menu. 

Bulk Move or Bulk Delete

Bulk Move and Bulk Delete options are disabled for standard folders. 

  • Bulk Move: Sub-folders and Reports of a custom folder can be moved to another custom folder via Bulk Move button after the items are selected via checkboxes. 

  • Bulk Delete: Bulk Delete button allows users to collectively delete chosen custom reports and folders, directing them to the recycle bin. Only the Owner or Administrator has the authority to perform bulk deletions of custom folders or reports. When a non-administrator or non-owner attempts to bulk delete a selected report or folder, a message is shown: "Only the item creator or administrators can perform bulk deletions of selected items."

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