How to Create a Dashboard Card


Dashboard cards are the individual charts and graphs that populate your dashboards. You can display several different cards on each dashboard and choose from dozens of different types of diagrams. To rearrange your dashboard cards, simply drag and drop the cards on the screen.

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How to Create a Dashboard Card

After you've created a dashboard, you can begin filling it with dashboard cards. Dashboard cards are highly customizable. As you become familiar with dashboard cards, you'll be able to figure out which diagrams will best suit your needs. Try to keep the number of cards you create manageable; if you create too many, you may overlook important data.

Below are the basic card creation steps. There are more steps if you need to customize your cards further, but these are the actions you will always take when creating a card.

  1. Navigate to Dashboards and select a dashboard.

  2. Click the Actions dropdown and select Create New Card.

    1. Alternatively, you can navigate to Dashboards > Dashboard Cards and click New Dashboard Card.

  3. Enter your Chart Title and Chart Description.

  4. Choose the type of graph or chart you need to display your information.

  5. Choose your data source from the drop-down menu. It is on Opportunities by default.

  6. Drag a category from the Categories list to a DRAG FIELD HERE box.

    1. A category can be text type, dates, or boolean. For example, a Lead Source would be a category because it is text. The fields above the chart, like x-axis and y-axis, will vary depending on the chart type you choose.

  7. Drag a value from the Values list to a DROP FIELD HERE box.

    1. A value is a field type that can be measured or used for calculations.

  8. Drag categories or values to the Filters section.

    1. When added as a filter, some fields will prompt you to add filter values. For example, if the Created By User field was selected, you could select a few users to narrow down the results.

      1. Click All, None, or Selected to filter the values that appear. 

        • Clicking All will show all values. The [selected] text will be removed from the search box.

        • Clicking None will remove [selected] from the search box and display all values.

        • Clicking Selected will display only the currently selected values. The text [selected] will appear in the textbox. Typing [selected] into the search bar and hitting enter will show all selected values. Clicking [selected] twice will remove the existing text from the search box and show all values.

  9. Under Chart Properties:

    1. Click Grid Lines

      1. By default, the Horizontal Grid Lines dropdown will be set to On. Select Off to remove horizontal grid lines.

      2. Select a line style for the horizontal grid lines from the Line Type dropdown. Dash is the value set by default.

      3. By default, the Vertical Grid Lines dropdown will be set to Off. Select On to add vertical grid lines.

      4. Select a line style for the vertical grid lines from the Line Type dropdown. Solid is the value set by default.

    2. Click Legend

      1. By default, the Show Legend dropdown will be set to Yes with Bottom positioning. Click Legend and select a Legend Position from the dropdown. You may select Left, Right, or Bottom positioning. Select No from the Show Legend dropdown to turn off the dashboard card legend on large cards or full screen views of the card. If No is selected, the legend will be removed from all views.

    3. Click Trend Line.

      1. By default, the Trend Line dropdown will be set to Off. Select On to remove horizontal grid lines.

      2. Select a line style for the trend line from the Line Type dropdown. Dash is the value set by default.

    4. Click X-Axis. Use the Date Format dropdown to apply one of the following date aggregations: 

      1. Year (2022)

      2. Quarter (Q1 2022)

      3. Month (May 2015)

      4. Week Number (Week 50, 2022)

      5. Day (May 8, 2022)  

    5. Click Y-Axis.

    6. Click Series Labels.

      1. Enabling the Series Label function allows users to see the values of data points inside of a dashboard card chart.

      2. By default, series labels are set to No. Select Yes from the Show Series Label in Chart dropdown to enable series labels.

      3. Series labels are not available for gauges, tables, tree maps, and maps.

    7. Click Series Colors.

      1. Use the Series Color Theme dropdown to select a color scheme for the chart.

  10. If you are using a Radial Gauge or a Map chart, you can customize the colors that appear. 

    1. Click Chart Properties or Map Properties. Use the dropdowns to adjust the colors and click Apply.

  11. Click Add Calculated Field if calculated fields are needed.

  12. Click Edit to edit or delete the chart summary number. This is a grand total for the data in your chart.

  13. Click Save.

If you need to add your card to multiple Dashboards, you can learn how to do so in this article. To learn more about other customization options, such as chart properties and grouping, read Understanding the Dashboard Card Edit Page.

You also have the ability to select Current User as an option within all user field dropdowns in filters within dashboard cards. This will help to create dashboards that will be applicable and dynamic to each user that uses that dashboard. 

Drill Paths

Drill down paths allow you to link one custom dashboard card to another to drill down through a data set. Each card in a path links to and drills down into the card below it. If a card does not have a drill path already, it will become the parent card of a new drill path. All cards other than the parent card can be moved up or down in the drill path to change the order.

When you drill down from one card into the next, Insightly will automatically apply a filter for the data point in the next chart that represents the X axis value. Filters and object type are also passed down, but they are not locked; changing object types is not recommended as it may cause errors. Charts and maps dashboard cards are supported in drill down paths.

Cards can be edited and deleted from the three dot menu. Other menu options include Edit This Card, Delete This Card, Move Card Up, and Move Card Down. Moving the cards up or down will change their order in the drill path.

Dashboard card drill down paths are limited to 10 cards total. Once the limit has been reached, the ability to add more cards will be removed and the following message will appear:

Maximum drill path limit of 10 cards has been reached.

How to Create Drill Paths

  1. Navigate to Dashboards and select a custom dashboard.
    1. Alternatively, you can navigate to a dashboard or a dashboard card and select Edit Drill Path from the three dot menu.
  2. Click the Actions dropdown and select Edit Drill Path.
  3. Click Add New Card.
  4. A new card page with the same data set and the chart type and parameters from the last step in the drill path already loaded.
  5. You can then modify that card, change the chart type or the X or Y Axis filters, and when you click the red Save button you will be taken back to this drill path page with your newly saved card added to the bottom of the drill path.
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