Report Actions


Within this article users can review general actions that can be taken in regards to Insightly Marketing reports.

In this Article


Report Actions

Edit a Report

Copy a Report

Export a Report

Schedule a Report

Set a Smart Alert for a Report

Create a Grouping and Add a Chart to a Report

Add a Summary Field to a Report

Report Folder Actions

Create a Folder via the Reports Page

Create a Folder via the Report Editor

Edit or Delete a Folder

Report Actions

Edit a Report

Custom reports (reports that have been created and saved by a user) can be edited. The default Insightly report templates cannot be edited. 

  1. To edit an existing report that has been saved, navigate to Reports via the objects on the left side of Insightly Marketing.
    1. Locate and open the report the requires editing and click the Pencil icon to open the report in the Report Editor
    2. When all edits have been made, either of the following can be clicked as applicable:
      • Save: Saves the edits made to the report. To exit the Report Editor, click Close.
      • Save As: Accessed via the dropdown arrow next to the Save button. Saves the report (and the edits that have been made to it) as a new report. To exit the Report Editor, click Close.

Copy a Report

Custom reports (reports that have been created and saved by a user) can be copied. The default Insightly report templates cannot be copied. 

  1. To copy an existing report that has been saved, navigate to Reports via the objects on the left side of Insightly Marketing.
    1. Locate and open the report the requires copying and click the Pencil icon to open the report in the Report Editor.
    2. Click the dropdown arrow next to the Save button and select Save As
    3. The Report Properties popup will display where a name can be applied to the copy and a report folder can be chosen to save the copy too. 
    4. When the properties have been applied, click Save. The copied report will now display in the chosen folder with the applied name. 

Export a Report

A report's exported data can be used to manipulate the information in a spreadsheet program or create graphs with a reporting program. A report export only includes raw data from the report - groupings, summaries, and charts are not exported. 

  • In order to export data from an Insightly Account, the Insightly Administrator must enable this option for users. 
  1. To export an existing report that has been saved, navigate to Reports via the objects on the left side of Insightly Marketing.
    1. Locate and open the report that requires exporting and click the Actions dropdown. From the available options select either of the following as applicable:
      • Export to Excel
      • Export to CSV
    2. Insightly Marketing will display a message confirming that the export has been requested. When the file is ready, an email will be received with a link to download the file - the link is valid for 30 days. 

Schedule a Report

Reports can be scheduled to be emailed on certain days and/or times, or when an alert is triggered. A scheduled report will run at the time that was selected and be delivered as an email attachment to recipients that have been selected. A few examples would include:

  1. To setup a scheduled report, the report must first be a saved report, i.e. not one of the default Insightly report templates. After selecting the applicable report to schedule, click Run Report.
    1. Once the report has been run, the Schedule button can be clicked to open the Report Schedule screen. 
      1. Select the user to run the report as. Some users may only have permissions to view certain records and the scheduled report will abide by those permissions based on the selected user.
      2. Via the Report Delivery section choose who to send the report to. If the report will be sent to the creator of the schedule and others, individual users can be selected from a dropdown menu. 
      3. Assign the report schedule by choosing the frequency and daily occurrence. The start date can be applied as well as an end date (if applicable); to apply a specific delivery time, click Find Available Delivery Times (the time chosen will be in UTC). 
      4. The Report Schedule is Active checkbox is enabled by default. If there is a need to pause the schedule of the report at a later date, this checkbox can be disabled. 
    2. When the schedule configuration has been applied, click Save Schedule. A confirmation will appear and the new schedule will display in the Report Schedule and Alert area of the report details.
      • To edit or delete the schedule, click the Schedule button to open the Report Schedule screen. Edits can be made and Save Schedule can be clicked or Delete can be clicked to remove the schedule. 

Set a Smart Alert for a Report

A smart alert will run a report at a scheduled time and check if the report meets a threshold that has been set; alerts will only email a report to the creator of the alert. For example, an alert could be set to send the report to the creator when an email on the report has reached 300 opens (using a count summary field).  

  1. To setup a smart alert, the report must first be a saved report, i.e. not one of the default Insightly report templates. After selecting the applicable report to setup the alert for, click Run Report.
    1. Once the report has been run, the Set Alert button can be clicked to open the Report Alert screen. 
      1. Select the report alert type - this determines when an email notification will be sent to the user creating the alert. 
      2. Alert conditions can be applied to define when the alert should trigger; these conditions are based off numeric fields in the report, any field that is not numeric will not display as an option. 
        • Summary fields can be added to a report prior to setting up an alert. This will allow for the use of summary fields as conditions for the alert. 
      3. Via the Alert Check Schedule, define how often the alert should check if the conditions have been met (the time displayed will be in UTC). 
      4. The Report Alert is Active checkbox is enabled by default. If there is a need to pause the alert of the report at a later date, this checkbox can be disabled.
    2. To test if the alert settings will trigger an alert with the current report results, Run Now can be clicked. A message will appear with the result of Pass (the current report results trigger the alert) or Fail (the current results do not trigger the alert). 
    3. When the alert configuration is complete, click Save. A confirmation will appear and the new alert will display in the Report Schedule and Alert area of the report details.
      • To edit or delete the alert, click the Set Alert button to open the Alert Check Schedule screen. Edits can be made and Save Alert can be clicked or Delete can be clicked to remove the alert.

Create a Grouping and Add a Chart to a Report

A chart can be utilized for a quick way to digest information although only one chart can be added to each report. The chart's color, data point formats, and data labels cannot be customized and when exporting a report, charts are not included in the export. 

  1. To add a chart to a report, a grouping of one or more fields is required. To created a grouping, drag and drop one or more column(s) in the grouping section of the report in the Report Editor. The columns added to the grouping section are the columns/information that is displayed in the chart when it's added.
    1. Once a grouping has been created, the Add Chart to Report icon in the Report Filters and Parameters section can be clicked. The Add Chart section will display where the chart configuration can be applied:
      • Chart Type: The following chart types are available for selection: 
        • Line: Depicts data points connected together with a straight line.
        • Vertical: Presents data with rectangular bars that are aligned vertically. 
        • Horizontal: Presents data with rectangular bars that are aligned horizontally.
        • Pie: A circular graph that is divided into portions that create a whole. Pie charts do not display the callout value and percentage for values that are smaller than 5%.
        • Donut: Similar to a pie chart however this chart type cuts out the center of the circular graph to display additional data. 
        • Area: Used to represent quantitative data; this chart is often used to represent data that shifts with time.
        • Scatter: Depicts data displayed as a collection of points on a graph that is used to find a relationship between variables. Scatter charts need data that is grouped by at least one numeric and one nonnumeric field. 
      • Chart Properties: A title for the chart can be applied and the X-Axis and Y-Axis property values can be edited; the available properties will depend on the chart type selection. 
      • Chart Preview: The chart preview will display up to ten data points along the X-axis for setup of the chart. Once saved, the final chart will display a maximum of 50 data points. 
    2. When the chart type and properties have been applied, Save Chart can be clicked to add the chart to the report. Once the chart has been added, Save should be clicked to save the report with the new chart addition. 
    3. When the report is run, the chart will appear as part of it, users can mouse over the chart elements to view more details and items in the chart legend can be clicked to hide or show the selected data in the chart.
      1. If field values grouped for the chart are empty, Insightly will group these values under a data point labeled "None". To exclude empty values, filter the field with the "Is Not Empty" option. 
      2. Charts can be edited by editing the report and clicking the Edit or Delete icons in the upper right of the chart. 

Add Summary Field to a Report

Reports that include a numeric field can have a calculated summary row added to display the sum, average, count, and minimum or maximum of the values in the column that the summary row is for. A summary row will calculate for the entire report and for each group (if groupings exist); users can create one summary row per numeric field on a report. 

  1. To add a summary row to a report, ensure that the report includes a numeric field; numeric fields are indicated by the "#" symbol in the Report Fields section. When a numeric field exists, click either the Add Summary Field icon or the Add a Summary Field hyperlink, both located in the Report Filter and Parameters section:
    1. The summary field will display in the Report Filters and Parameters section. The specific column to summarize can be chosen; any numeric fields on the report will display for selection. The summary type can be selected as well based on the requirements of the summary: 
      • Count: The total number of records in the column being summarized.
      • Sum: The sum of the records in the column being summarized. 
      • Average:  The average of the values in the column being summarized.
      • Min: Displays the lowest value from the values in the column being summarized.
      • Max: Displays the highest value from the values in the column being summarized. 
    2. Via the Field Label field, enter a name of the new field which will appear on the report - this will be the summary field. 
    3. Once the summary field configuration has been applied, click Add. Summary fields display at the botton of the report, i.e. at the bottom/end of the column that has been summarized. 
      1. A summary field can be added for every numeric field on the report. Once all numeric fields have a summary field, the option to add a summary field will no longer be available. 

Report Folder Actions

When a report is saved, it can be added to an existing report folder or to a newly created report folder. Report folders that have been created can be set as either private or be shared with other users on an account. 

Create a Folder via the Reports Page

  1. To create a report folder via the report page, navigate to Reports via the objects on the left side of Insightly Marketing. From the Advanced Reporting screen, click the plus icon at the top of the Report Folders section. 
    1. The Add New Report Folder screen will display where details and sharing permissions of the new report folder can be applied.
    2. Once the report folder information has been completed, click Save to create the new report folder. 
      • The new report folder will display in the Report Folders section below the preexisting default report folders. Report folders with limited sharing permissions will display with a padlock icon.  

Create a Folder via the Report Editor

  1. To create a report via the Report Editor, navigate to Reports via the objects on the left side of Insightly Marketing. From the Advanced Reporting screen, select and open the report that will be edited to be custom and saved into a new report folder.
  2. When editing a report, two options are available for creating a new report folder to house the report being edited. The Save button or the Report Properties button can be clicked. 
    1. Clicking either button will display the Report Properties popup where a report name can be applied. From the Choose a Report Folder dropdown, -Create New Folder- can be selected.
      1. Once selected, the details and sharing permissions of the new report folder can be applied.
      2. Once the report folder information has been completed, click Save to create the new report folder.
        • The new report folder will display in the Report Folders section below the preexisting default report folders. Report folders with limited sharing permissions will display with a padlock icon.  

Edit or Delete a Folder

Editing a report folder will allow users to change the name and sharing permissions. The default Insightly report folders cannot be edited or deleted. 

  1. To edit or delete a report folder, navigate to Reports via the objects on the left side of Insightly Marketing. 
  2. From the Report Folders section, open the folder that requires edits or deletion. 
    1. Within the folder, click the dropdown arrow next to the folder name and select either of the following as applicable:
      • Edit Folder: The Edit Report Folder page will display where edits can be made to the name and sharing permissions. 
      • Delete Folder: A popup will appear asking for confirmation to delete the report folder. 
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