Page Layouts: Related tab

Insightly administrators can edit default Page Layouts or create new layouts (Professional or Enterprise) to customize the format of their records. This isn't limited to the Details tab: admins can also rearrange the Related tab.

The Page Layout editor can be used to add, remove, and rearrange lists of related records. The options that appear in the editor are determined by the Lookup Relationship fields that have already been created

To configure the related tab:

  1. Open the Page Layout editor. Under the Highlights Bar, click the Related tab.
  2. On the left side of the Page Layout editor, there is a column labeled Available Lists. This is where you can find all the fields that can appear on your Related tab. 
    To add a list, drag the field from the column to the Page Layout.
  3. To rearrange your lists, hover over a section. Click and drag the list up or down the page.
  4. To remove a list, hover over the section until the trash can and gear icons appear. Click the trash icon to remove the list from your related tab.
  5. To change the visible columns that appear in a related records list, hover over the section until the trash can and gear icons appear. Click the gear icon.
  6. To add a column, select it from the Available Columns list and click the right arrow. To remove a column, select it from the Visible Columns list and click the left arrow. Use the up and down arrows to change the order of the Visible Columns.
  7. Use the Sort By dropdown to determine which field the list will be sorted by. Use the Sort Type dropdown to determine if the list is sorted in ascending or descending order.
  8. Admins can configure Page Layouts to hide any custom Related grid lists that have no records to display.

    For example, a list for linked Organization records would appear on a Contact record that is connected to at least one Organization, but if a separate Contact record isn’t linked to any Organizations, the Organization grid list would not appear on that specific record.

    Check the Hide Related List if No Records to Display checkbox.

  9. The Related List setting can be restored to the default fields, ordering, and sorting. To undo your edits, click Restore to Default.
  10. Click Save Changes.
  11. When you are done configuring the related tab, click Save Layout.

Restore default layout

If you make changes to a default Page Layout, you can restore it back to its original layout. 

  1. Go to System Settings > Objects and Fields.
  2. Select an object. Go to Page Layouts.
  3. Find the default layout and click the three-dot menu.
  4. Select Restore to Default Layout.
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