How to change your billing or invoice information

To update the invoices for your Insightly subscription with a new credit card number, company name, address, or VAT number, your account owner will go to the Billing & Account pages.

Updating credit card information

To update your credit card information:

  1. Click the profile icon and go to Billing & AccountInvoices and Payments.
  2. Scroll down to Billing Details and click Update Billing Information.
    Update billing
  3. Enter and save your new card information.

Updating invoice information

To add custom information to your invoice, such as a company name or ID number:

  1. Click the profile icon and go to Billing & Account > Invoices and Payments.
  2. Click Add Optional Invoice Information.
  3. Enter your changes and click Update. The information will now appear on your future invoices.


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