How to set visibility permissions on a record

When your Insightly account uses Simple Permissions, you'll see a Visibility Permissions setting when creating or editing a record. This allows you to limit access to each individual record.

Insightly administrators will have access to all records, regardless of settings, and these settings will not appear if your account is set to Advanced Permissions.

Visibility for tasks and events

When editing a task or event, the Visibility options include Public or Private.

  • Public allows any user on your account to view the record.
  • Private limits access to the creator of the task or event, the person the task is assigned to, and administrators on the account.


Visibility for other records

For all other records, you'll see more focused options. This setting appears at the bottom of the page when you're editing a record.

With these permissions, you can limit who can see the record to the person who created the record, a team of users, or individual users selected from a list.


Default Settings

Users can set their own default visibility settings for new emails or new tasks and events from their User Settings. Administrators can set account-wide default settings for visibility for other records from System Settings.

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