What's New at Insightly August 2023

Learn what's new with Insightly by reviewing enhancements that are now available! For questions, the Additional Resources section can be utilized to learn more about getting support from Insightly. Use the links below to navigate to a specific product.

Insightly Platform 
Insightly CRMInsightly Marketing
Insightly ServiceInsightly AppConnect

Enhancement List

Use these links to navigate to specific enhancements.

Insightly Platform

New Task Report: Task Comment Report

Users can now track annual dates by selecting a relative date field and typing annually at the end of 

The Task Comment Report can be used to review all comments associated with a task. By default, the report displays the following information:


  • Task ID
  • Task Name
  • Responsible User
  • Comment Owner
  • Comment Body
  • Comment Date Created

Here is a link to our help documentation for task reports.

Improved Field History Detail Report

The Field History Detail report has been improved.

  • The following fields have been removed: Field Name, Operation, Old Value, and New Value.
    • These fields can be added to columns, but they cannot be used as filters.
  • The following fields have become required: Changed Date and Object Name.
    • The Object Name field is no longer a multi-select dropdown. Only one value may be selected from the dropdown field.
      • The User object will be selected by default.

Here is a link to our help documentation for field history tracking.

Dashboard Cards: Selected Filter Values 

When a category or a value is added as a filter in a dashboard card, some fields will prompt you to add filter values. The Selected option has been added. Clicking Selected will display only the currently selected values. The text [selected] will appear in the textbox.

Here is a link to our help documentation for creating dashboard cards.

Dashboard Card Column Increase in Edit and Full Screen Views

When viewing a dashboard card in the full screen or edit screen view, users will now be able to view 15 columns of data at once. This update also affects the number of columns that appear on the card when displayed on a dashboard.

  • Small cards: Numeric display
  • Medium cards: 2 columns
  • Large cards: All columns

Here is a link to our help documentation for reviewing dashboard cards.

New Dashboard Card List Column: Drill Down Cards

When creating a dashboard card list view, users can now add the Drill Down Cards column. Once the column has been added, it will display the number of drill down cards associated with the dashboard card.

Here is a link to our help documentation for creating list views.

Clone Drill Path Cards

When cloning a dashboard card, if the card is a top level card with drill path cards below it, the option to clone just the card or to clone the card and all drill path cards under it will now appear. Use the Clone Drill Path dropdown and select one of the following:

  1. Yes - Clone and link all Drill Path cards
    1. This option is selected by default.
  2. No - Clone just this card without the Drill Path

Here is a link to our help documentation for cloning dashboard cards.

Sandboxes Limits

The following limits have been applied to sandboxes:

  • By default, only one sandbox is available. Subsequent sandboxes must be purchased. If the limit is met, the New Sandbox button will be disabled and will display the following text: You have reached the maximum number of sandboxes available for your instance.
  • The record limit is 5,000.
  • The storage limit is 500 MB.

Here is a link to our help documentation for sandboxes.

Insightly CRM

Workflow Actions Can Now Be Assigned to Queue Users

When building workflow automations, users can change the owner of a record to a queue (if queues have been created for task or lead records). The queue can be selected after adding an Owner field through the Add Additional Field section.

This is available for the following workflow actions:

  • Create a Task (Tasks)
  • Add New Record (Leads)
  • Update This Record (Tasks and Leads)

Here is a link to our help documentation for workflow automation.

When a lead’s status is changed through a pipeline or the Change Status modal, validation rules will be now be run while the status is being changed. Any validation errors that occur will be displayed and will stop the status change from occurring.

Here is a link to our help documentation for lead management.

Linked Opportunities Now Available in the Opportunity Linked Items Report

The Opportunity Linked Items report now includes linked opportunities. Standard and custom fields are available for selection and filtering.

Here is a link to our help documentation for working with linked items reports.

Insightly Marketing

Added the View in Browser link option to the Insightly Marketing email designer, which allows prospects to view HTML emails in a web browser. Clicking links in the email will be tracked, with the exception of the View in Browser link. Any link clicks on the page will not be tracked.

Here is a link to our help documentation for using the email designer.

Finish Action and Workflow Automation Dynamic Date Field Values

Finish actions in Insightly Marketing and workflow automations in Insightly CRM now support dynamic date field values such as today, tomorrow, or yesterday.

Here is a link to our help documentation for finish actions and for workflow automation.

Insightly Service

Default Value Fields in Email Templates

When adding a merge field, the template will not populate correctly if the field is empty in the ticket record the information is being pulled from; the field will be left blank. Administrators can now enter a default value to populate the field when the field is empty.

Here is a link to our help documentation for email templates.

Knowledge Article Cloning Now Available

Insightly users can now clone knowledge article records, allowing users to quickly duplicate the record while keeping the original intact. Cloning a knowledge article will copy the contents of the current version of the knowledge article and all standard and custom fields, with the exception of the title and URL, which must be unique. The cloned knowledge article will be set as a draft upon completing the copy process.

Here is a link to our help documentation for cloning knowledge articles.

Additional Resources

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