While we understand that Insightly isn't the perfect solution for everyone, we're sorry to see you go. Below you'll find instructions for deleting your Insightly account.
All of your content will be permanently deleted from Insightly. Your data cannot be recovered once your account has been canceled.
On accounts with paid subscriptions, only admins can cancel the account. If you are using Insightly for G Suite, your G Suite admin must also remove Insightly from your domain by following the additional steps provided.
Some accounts will have the ability to cancel their account immediately, but most accounts will need to submit a request for cancellation.
How to request an Insightly account cancellation
- Go to Profile icon > Billing & Account > Cancel Account.
- Click Request Account Cancellation.
- You will be presented with a modal to create account cancelation request. Please select your reason for canceling and a phone number to contact you. Click Cancel Account.
- Once submitted, the system will create a service ticket, and the user will receive a confirmation message letting them know that someone will reach out to them soon. An Insightly Representative will contact you to process your request.
How to cancel your account immediately
- Go to Billing & Account > Cancel Account.
- Click Please cancel and delete my account.
- In the text box, enter Delete Everything. Click Delete Account.
- When you have successfully deleted your account, you will be redirected to the confirmation page.
No Refunds
Insightly does not provide refunds for unused time. Please read the FAQ regarding our refund policy.