What's New at Insightly August 2022

Learn what's new with Insightly by reviewing enhancements that are now available! For questions, the Additional Resources section can be utilized to learn more about getting support from Insightly. Use the links below to navigate to a specific product.

Insightly Platform 
Insightly CRMInsightly Marketing
Insightly ServiceInsightly AppConnect

Enhancement List

Use these links to navigate to specific enhancements.

Insightly Platform 

WhereAny Exportable Object > Right-Hand Sidebar

When a user exports records, the four most recent exports will now appear in the right-hand list view side bar under Your Recent Exports. The exports in this section link to the zipped CSV file generated by the export when clicked. The exports that appear are object specific and will not display exports of other object records. This section will not appear if the user does not have any recent exports.

Here is a link to our help documentation to learn more about exporting records.

Active Field Added to Workflow Criteria

WhoSystem Administrators
WhatWorkflow Automation
WhereSystem Settings > Workflow Automation > Workflow Processes

When a system administrator is in the process of adding evaluation criteria to a product object, they will now have access to the Active field, which evaluates whether the product is active or inactive.

Here is a link to our help documentation to learn more about configuring workflow automations.

Insightly CRM

WhatProject Reports
WhereReports > Project Reports > Project Linked Items Report

The Project Linked Items report now has a filter for Link Type that allows for the section of Project. This filter will display any projects that also have a linked project and therefore the report is grouped by projects that are linked to other projects by name.

Here is a link to our help documentation for working with linked items reports.

Allow Changing the Organization Associated with a New Quote

WhoSystem Administrators
WhereSystem Settings > Products, Price Books and Quotes

System Administrators will now have the ability via System Settings to enable a new setting that allows for the quote organization on all linked quotes to be updated when the main opportunity organization is changed. This new setting can be enabled or disabled as applicable.

Here is a link to our help documentation that outlines products, price books, and quotes as well as the System Settings for this functionality.

Ticket Creation through a Contact Record

WhatContacts and Tickets
WhereContacts > Contact Record > Related Tab

Users with permissions to insert and create tickets in Insightly Service can now add tickets to a contact record through the contact record’s related tab.

Here is a link to our help documentation to learn more about tickets.

Ability to Change New Quote’s Organization

WhatQuotes, Opportunities, and Organizations
WhereOpportunities > Opportunity Record > Related Tab > New Quote

Users now have the ability to search for and select a different organization or create a new organization when creating a new quote record. By default, the Organization Name field will auto populate to the organization associated with the opportunity. 

Here is a link to our help documentation to learn more about quotes.

Insightly Marketing

Filter by Opportunity Fields Added to Dynamic Lists

WhatDynamic Lists
WhereLists > List Record (Dynamic) > List Rules Tab > Add a New Rule

Prospects and contacts that are linked to an opportunity can now be filtered for via list rules in Insightly Marketing Dynamic lists. When filtering, the Rule Type field can be set to Opportunity Fields and a list of both standard and custom opportunity fields can be chosen to filter by.

Here is a link to our help documentation about lists.

Insightly Service

Added ‘Thanks for your feedback’ in Response to Knowledge Article Vote

WhatHelp Center
WhereKnowledge Articles

When a visitor to your help center votes yes or no to the ‘Was this article helpful?’ prompt at the bottom of a knowledge article, Insightly will now return the message ‘Thanks for your feedback’.

Here is a link to our help documentation for working with knowledge articles.

Ability to Unarchive Knowledge Articles

WhatKnowledge Articles
WhereKnowledge Articles > Archived Articles

Users may now unarchive any articles that have been archived in the past. 

Here is a link to our help documentation for working with knowledge articles.

Check for SPAM Added to Community Portal Settings

WhoSystem Administrators
WhereSystem Settings > Portal Management > Portal Settings

When configuring a community’s post moderation settings, administrators can now require posts and comments to be checked for SPAM words before they can appear in the community successfully.

Here is a link to our help documentation to learn more about communities.

Additional Resources

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