What's New at Insightly January 2023

Learn what's new with Insightly by reviewing enhancements that are now available! For questions, the Additional Resources section can be utilized to learn more about getting support from Insightly. Use the links below to navigate to a specific product.

Insightly Platform 
Insightly CRMInsightly Marketing
Insightly ServiceInsightly AppConnect

Enhancement List

Use these links to navigate to specific enhancements.

Insightly Platform

Dashboards: Drill Paths

WhatDashboard Cards
WhereDashboards > Dashboard Cards

Users can now use drill paths to link one dashboard card to another to drill down through data sets.

Here is a link to our help documentation for drill down paths.

Dashboards: Schedule a Dashboard Export via Email

WhatEmails and Dashboards
WhereEmails Object and Dashboards Object

Administrators now have the ability to schedule and email a dashboard from Insightly CRM, Marketing, and Service. When an export schedule is defined for a dashboard, a calendar icon will display for the dashboard in the list view of the Dashboards object. When viewing a dashboard with an export schedule set up, a banner with the details of the schedule will displayed at the top of the page to users who have permissions to view the dashboard.

Here is a link to our help documentation about dashboards.

Dashboards: Aggregate Date Formats for Dashboard Cards

WhatDashboard Cards
WhereDashboards > Dashboard Cards

Users can now use the Date Format dropdown to apply one of the following date aggregations to dashboard cards they are creating:

  • Year (2022)
  • Quarter (Q1 2022)
  • Month (May 2015)
  • Week Number (Week 50, 2022)
  • Day (May 8, 2022)

Here is a link to our help documentation for dashboard card creation.

WhatPage Layouts
WhereRecord Objects > Security Icon > Page Render Details

When users click the security icon in the header of a record, the Page Render Details modal appears. If an administrator clicks this icon, an Edit Layout hyperlink will be displayed to the right of the Page Layout field. Clicking this link will redirect the administrator to that object’s page layout designer.

Here is a link to our help documentation for working with page layouts.

File Attachments for Custom Objects

WhatPage Layouts, Files, and Custom Objects
WhereSystem Settings > Objects and Fields > Custom Object > Page Layouts

Users can now attach files to custom object records. To do this, users will need to edit the custom object’s page layout and add the file attachment grid to the related tab.

Here is a link to our help documentation for working with page layouts.

Additional Resources

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